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【纽伦港新动态 第360期】金融科技的机遇与挑战

2016年12月20日  15:38:20   来源:网友   编辑:168炒股学习网    阅读:3084人次

文/Lael Brainard(美联储官员);编译(节选)/王昌耀








为了更好地理解信贷、支付与其他领域的技术变革,美国联邦储备理事会约谈了大量的市场参与者以了解这类有益创新所存在的壁垒。在全国30多个地区,我们董事会和储备银行员工的独特结构, 使我们能够在全国市场和各类创新中心,帮助建立有效的沟通渠道,包括非银行参与者与我们都能够不定期联系。






The Opportunities and Challenges of Fintech

Why Is Fintech Important?

In my remarks today, Id like to share a few thoughts about emerging financial technologies and their relevance to our work.1 Fintech has the potential to transform the way that financial services are delivered and designed as well as the underlying processes of payments, clearing, and settlement.2 The past few years have seen a proliferation of new digitally enabled financial products and services, in addition to new processes and platforms. Just as smartphones revolutionized the way in which we interact with one another to communicate and share information, fintech may impact nearly every aspect of how we interact with each other financially, from payments and credit to savings and financial planning. In our continuously connected, on-demand world, consumers, businesses, and financial institutions are all eager to find new ways to engage in financial transactions that are more convenient, timely, secure, and efficient.

In many cases, fintech puts financial change at consumers fingertips--literally. Todays consumers, particularly millennials, are accustomed to having a wide range of applications, options, and information immediately accessible to them. Almost every type of consumer transaction--ordering groceries, downloading a movie, buying furniture, or arranging childcare, to name a few--can be done on a mobile device, and there are often multiple different applications that consumers can choose for each of these tasks based on their preferences. It seems inevitable for this kind of convenience, immediacy, and customization to extend to financial services. Indeed, according to the Federal Reserve Boards most recent survey of mobile financial services, fully two-thirds of consumers between the ages of 18 and 29 having a mobile phone and a bank account use mobile banking.

New fintech platforms are giving consumers and small businesses more real-time control over their finances. Once broad adoption is achieved, it is technologically quite simple to conduct cashless person-to-person fund transfers, enabling, among other things, the splitting of a check after a meal out with friends or the sending of remittances quickly and cheaply to friends or family in other countries. Financial management tools are automating savings decisions based on what consumers can afford, and they are helping consumers set financial goals and providing feedback on expenditures that are inconsistent with those goals. In some cases, fintech applications are automatically transferring spare account balances into savings, based on monthly spending and income patterns, effectively making savings the default choice. Other applications are providing consumers with more real-time access to earnings as they are accrued rather than waiting for their regular payday. This service may be particularly valuable to the nearly 50 percent of adults with extremely limited liquid savings.4 It is too early to know what the overall impact of these innovations will be, but they offer the potential to empower consumers to better manage cash flow to reduce the need for more expensive credit products to cover short-term cash needs.

One particularly promising aspect of fintech is the potential to expand access to credit and other financial services for consumers and small businesses. By reducing loan processing and underwriting costs, online origination platforms may enable financial services providers to more cost effectively offer smaller-balance loans to households and small businesses than had previously been feasible.6 In addition, broader analysis of data may allow lenders to better assess the creditworthiness of potential borrowers, facilitating the responsible provision of loans to some individuals and firms that otherwise would not have access to such credit. In recent years, some innovative Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) have developed partnerships with online alternative lenders, with the goal of expanding credit access to underserved small businesses.

The challenge will be to foster socially beneficial innovation that responsibly expands access to credit for underserved consumers and small businesses, and those who otherwise would qualify only for high-cost alternatives. It would be a lost opportunity if, instead of expanding access in a socially beneficial way, some fintech products merely provided a vehicle to market high-cost loans to the underserved, or resulted in the digital equivalent of redlining, exacerbating rather than ameliorating financial access inequities.

Federal Reserve Fintech Engagement

To better understand technological changes in lending, payments, and other areas, the Federal Reserve has been engaging with a wide range of market participants to understand barriers to socially beneficial innovations. Our unique structure, with Board and Reserve Bank staff in over 30 locations, allows us to tap expertise in markets and innovation centers across the country to help establish channels of communication, including with nonbank participants with whom we may not otherwise have regular contact.

The Federal Reserve also engages in ongoing communication with other regulators to promote, to the greatest extent possible, consistency in approaches and alignment of supervisory requirements. Exchanging ideas and discussing fintech innovations with other regulators is critical to understanding and vetting risks and, where appropriate, reaching consistent views regarding the application of laws, regulations, or guidance.

Finally, we recognize the value of technical expertise. With fintech, as with any other emerging financial product or service, the Federal Reserve is learning as much as we can to ensure that we have a robust understanding of the technologies and activities in which banks and other financial firms are engaging, and to inform the development of our policy and supervisory approaches. To that end, the Federal Reserve Board has established a multidisciplinary working group that is engaged in a 360-degree analysis of fintech innovation. We are bringing together the best thinking across the Federal Reserve System, spanning key areas of responsibility--from supervision to community development, from financial stability to payments--to assess the impact of technological development on the Federal Reserves responsibilities. As part of this effort, Federal Reserve senior officials and staff have been closely watching developments in fintech, evaluating its impact on financial services delivery, and assessing the policy and supervisory implications in this arena.


Current developments in the digitization of finance, including the establishment of new business models, are important and deserving of serious engagement on the part of policymakers and regulators. As policymakers, we want to facilitate innovation where it has the potential to yield broad social benefit, while ensuring that risks are thoroughly managed. In safeguarding the public interest, the first line of analysis and protection will always rest with the market participants closest to the new technologies and product innovations and to the organizations that consider adopting them. But regulators also should seek to analyze the implications of technology developments through constructive and timely engagement. We should be attentive to the potential social benefits of these new technologies, prepared to make the necessary regulatory adjustments if their safety and integrity are proven and their potential benefits found to be in the public interest, and vigilant to ensure risks are well understood and managed.(完)

文章来源:美联储官网 (本文仅代表作者观点)

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